Logo Artexa

Era il 1979 quando Ivano Tosco, proveniente da una lunga esperienza direttiva commerciale svolta per alcune aziende produttrici di mobili di alto livello stilistico e qualitativo ed avendo avuto frequenti contatti con architetti ed arredatori, constatò che l’elemento fondamentale quale è il tappeto, restava sempre con decorazioni ripetitive e lavorazioni invariate. Il tappeto infatti non accompagnava in quel periodo l’evoluzione dell’habitat moderno. Dinanzi a queste osservazioni e grazie alle esperienze maturate, Ivano Tosco decise di produrre il tappeto innovandolo con elementi decorativi moderni ed in linea con i tempi: nasce Artexa. I pezzi Artexa in breve furono acquisiti dai più importanti negozi di arredamento a carattere internazionale e presentati nelle manifestazioni in rappresentanza del Design Italiano in tutto il mondo.

It was 1979 when Ivano Tosco, with a long experience as sales director for high-quality and designer furniture in constant touch with architects and interior designers, noticed that ‘’carpet’’ which is the key element to interior décor had remained static with its repetitive designs and production techniques. Infact during that period, carpet had not followed the evolution of modern interior decor. Due to this observation and his work experience, Ivano Tosco decided to produce innovative carpet of a modern design and in line with contemporary trends : Artexa came to being.
Ivano Tosco’s artistic sensitivity and inclination towards art and design as a child, prompted him into becoming Designer of his company and creating innovative designs which he transferred and represented on the handmade carpets produced in Artexa’s laboratories.
Artexa carpets were rapidly acquired by the most reputable, International furniture shops and selected for important design events to represent ‘Italian Design’ all over the world.

Ivano Toscoは、長年イタリアの一流インテリアメーカーで働き、数多くの建築家やインテリアデザイナーと接しながら、カーペットだけが時代の近代化に遅れ、古いイメージのままであることに疑問を持っていました。そして、それまでの経験と感覚を生かし、1979年、革新的で、時代にマッチしたカーペットメーカーArtexaを創業しました。
Hands on Designとコラボレーションした作品は、羊毛100%と天然繊維でできています。
Arexa +Hands on Designデザイナー: Denis Guidone, Kanz Architetti, Carlo Trevisani e Shiina+Nardi Design

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